Todo List

Member cmtk::AffineXform::GetDifference (const AffineXform &other) const
It is probably not a good idea to return a dynamically allocated object here.

Member cmtk::DeformationField::CloneVirtual () const
This still needs to be implemented.

Member cmtk::ElasticRegistration::MakeFunctional (UniformVolume::SmartPtr &refVolume, UniformVolume::SmartPtr &fltVolume, UniformVolume::SmartPtr &rigidityMap) const
Currently, if a tissue property map is used for local constraint weights, this cannot be used with edge volumes. This is because this function has access to the resampled edge data in such a case, but not to the actual image intensities of the resmpled image. The latter is required for the tissue property map. Potentially, we could create the entire map outside this function and give it as an additional optional parameter. But since we're using neither edge images nor tissue maps much, it doesn't seem worth the effort.

Member cmtk::Matrix3x3< T >::Decompose (Types::Coordinate params[8], const Types::Coordinate *center=NULL) const
Currently, we cannot correctly recover the parameters of a transformation that includes a mirroring. Rotation also gets messed up in this case. A possible solution may involve using the determinant to detect the mirror and then come up with something that respects this. Shear is not even supported yet.

Member cmtk::Matrix3x3< T >::Matrix3x3 ()
We do not actually support shear yet.

Member cmtk::StrReplace (const std::string &str, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &rules, const bool multiple=false)
This is highly unsafe, since we're not checking for infinite loops and the likes. We should really work on this sometimes... or be REALLY carefull.

Member cmtk::StudyList::StudyList (const StudyList &slist)
Implement copying of transformation links between studies.

Member cmtk::TemplateArray< T >::Convert (const ScalarDataType dtype) const
This should somehow preserve PaddingFlag and Padding of the original array.

Member cmtk::TemplateArray< T >::ConvertSubArray (const ScalarDataType dtype, const size_t fromIdx, const size_t len) const
It would probably be a good idea to preserve PaddingData as much as possible during the conversion.

Member cmtk::Timers::GetTimeThread ()
We need to find an equivalent implementation of this under Windows.
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